Attractions around Al Fayyūm
Explore 9 attractions, restaurants, shops around Al Fayyūm
4.5 (128)
Wadi El-Rayan
65 km southwest of Faiyum city 80 km west of the Nile River, Al Fayyum Egypt
5.0 (93)
Explore Fayoum Tours
Evelyne Street Tunis Village, Al Fayyum Egypt
As to provide the Fayoum visitors with an ultimate Fayoum experience. Explore Fayoum founder, Mahmoud a.k.a Fayoumer, a local guide and a researcher based in Fayoum Governorate will take you on curated tours to explore fabulous Fayoum in different thematic itineraries to ensure an ultimate Fayoum experience. He will share with you his knowledge of the area and his interesting Fayoum stories. Mahmoud and Explore Fayoum website are featured on the National Geographic’s article about Fayoum as well as the Lonely Planet and Moon Guide books.
4.0 (80)
Fayoum Oasis
Al Fayyum Egypt
3.5 (25)
Waterwheels in Al Faiyum
Bahr Sinnuris, Al Fayyum Egypt
4.5 (16)
Hawara Pyramid
Hawara, Al Fayyum Egypt
4.5 (15)
The Pyramid of Sneferu
Al Fayyum, Al Fayyum Egypt
4.0 (14)
Qasr Qarun and Medinet Quta
Near The Village of Qarun, Al Fayyum Egypt
known to be Ptolemaic temple (323 -30 BC) but has not been dated more precisely due to the absence of inscriptions. Built of blocks of yellow limestone, it is substantially complete, although the exterior has been partially restored by the Antiquities Department, and parts of the internal structure have been reinforced. it appears small from the outside , but inside is a veritable maze of chambers , corridors , cellars , tunnels , stairways , upper rooms , of all sizes at different levels , and numerous nooks and crannies , making it a fascinating place to explore . There are no inscriptions, but over the entrance flies the winged sun, and on the roof (reached by either of two square spiral staircases) is a relief of two figures: the crocodile god sobek on the left, a king on the right. there is a good view from the roof , of the desert to south and west , the cultivated land to the north and east , and the desert escarpment and ( sometimes , depending on the light ) the Birka to the
4.5 (13)
Lahun Pyramid
Al Fayyum Egypt
4.0 (12)
Temple of Dionysias (Temple of Stones)
Qasr Qarun, Qarun, Al Fayyum Egypt